Friday, July 11, 2008

July 4th

July 4th was fun! François got a four day weekend, so it was really nice for the girls and I to get to spend some extra time with him. I think he mostly enjoyed the extra sleep he got. =)

On Friday, the 4th, my parents and Jessica and Daniel came out to San Angelo to visit us. They arrived around lunch and the girls were ecstatic to see them! After nap, we piled everybody into cars and headed out to Lake Nasworthy to the Rec Camp run by the base. We rented a speed boat and jumped in. I had to drive the boat because I was the only person licensed, and I was so nervous the whole time. Because of the holiday, there were many other boats on the lake. We mostly rode around, wind in our hair, enjoying being on the water. Daniel tried to wakeboard, but the lake was really crowded and because it is always windy here, the lake is also really choppy. It wasn't the best of conditions. =(

Anaïs wasn't feeling well, so my mom stayed home with her while the rest of us went to a BBQ hosted by a guy in François' class. The food was good and at the end of the night we all enjoyed some funny fireworks!

Saturday morning, Jessica wasn't feeling well, so Anaïs decided to sing her lullabies. It was so precious. She sang "Come thou fount", "Amazing Grace", "Jesus" and "Baby Mine" to try and make her feel better. My dad, François and I sat at the dining room table listening, and I think it is safe to say those tender moments were the highlight of our weekend. There is just something so beautiful about a little child singing hymns. Sigh.

We just relaxed the rest of the day and everyone left Sunday morning because Anaïs was still to sick to go to church. We had a great time the next two days just relaxing as our little family. That is the best way to spend time off!

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